April 6, Russian supervisory service in the field of information technology and mass communications complained to the court to block the popular messenger Telegram in Russia. The reason was its deny to provide Russian inspection authorities with encryption keys. The position of Telegram representatives stays the same, they think that requirements to give an access to private correspondence of users are illegal and technically impracticable.
The result of this dispute is not still clear. Telegram may be totally blocked or, maybe, a few functions will be unavailable, or its speed will decrease in times or, maybe, the things will keep status quo. As there is a high chance that in days Russian users will be unable to enjoy Telegram benefits, we offer you to prepare for any variant.
So, what if this app is blocked, but it is really vital for you or your business? We have some decisions. Firstly, there are proxy-servers. You need to use special browser extensions, for example, Proxy Switchy Omega for Chrome. However, such a way to bypass the blockage will help you only with web version of Telegram, that is not always comfortable. But if you want to use the app version of Telegram, you can specify in its connection settings special data to connect through a proxy-server (choose “HTTP with custom http-proxy” or “TCP with custom socks5-proxy”). Such a data can be found on a large number of special sites containing proxies with different parameters, whether a protocol or a country placement.
Secondly, a very simple and reliable way is VPN services for a mobile version as well as for a Web one. Versus a proxy method, this one ensures complete security and anonymity for a user. By the way, additional setting for VPN applications is not required. In case of using proxy your traffic is just redirected, then while using VPN your traffic is encrypted, avoiding the possibility to track your activity on the Internet. Among popular VPN sites are Opera VPN, Tunnelbear, Nordvpn and Cyberghost.
Thirdly, it worth to pay attention to Tor, an anonymous network with virtual tunnels, guaranteeing encrypted data. Traffic anonymity is achieved due to distributed server network. Unfortunately, users of Tor have to work with the data on a rather low speed.
What conclusions can be made from this? Our world is changing fast, so, it’s time to adapt the Internet to it. Blockchain gives the solution to many modern problems, but quick, secure and reliable Blockchain, available for everyone, is the perfect solution. Should we remind that #Metahash is built exactly on that blockchain? Join us to test it first! Don’t forget to follow our news, we’ll show you how to apply these ways to bypass the blockage ;)
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