Today, on April 13th, Moscow Tagansky court ordered to block the Telegram in Russia, because the Telegram’s chiefs refused to provide the FSB (Federal Security Service) with encryption keys allowing to read the correspondence of users.
Access to the messenger will be limited until the deciphering algorithm is not transferred to the FSB.
Telegram’s management tried to challenge this order legality on mandatory transfer of encryption keys in the Constitutional Court but they lost the case.
One of the essential features of the modern world is the possibility of an unresisted data exchange. Unfortunately, political and economical disagreements lead to blocking or restricting of some sources to certain groups of the population. The #MetaHash tends to the opposite scenario: the access to information should be equal, fast and safe. However, while #MetaHash coders are realizing our ideas, people have to put up with the fact that sometimes certain resources stop to be available for one or another reason.
We do not intend to lose contact with you because of the possible blockage of such a useful messenger as Telegram. So, let us tell you about the basic ways to bypass such a blockage.
If you use desktop Telegram app, you can easily launch it through a proxy server. To do this you need to:
- Go to app’s settings and open the tab “Advanced Settings”;
- Select a menu with connection types (Connection type: Default TCP / IPv4);
- Choose the third option (TCP with custom socks5-proxy);
- Enter the data of a foreign proxy server and a port (such a data can be found on special platforms, for example, on,, Socklist.) And it is important to choose the server for the SOCKS5 protocol, not HTTP).
If Telegram is successfully connected through a proxy server, the tab Advanced settings will look like this:
If you prefer mobile Telegram app, it’s better to use one of VPN-services. Their number is quite large, and the range of services varies. We list only some platforms: FreeOpenVPN, TunnelBear, CyberGhost. In 2017 Telegram launched the @TgVPNbot bot, providing access to high-speed VPN connections directly through the messenger. You should be aware that the working VPN mode applies to all applications and programs that are open on your device. This leads to the fact that the connection speed can be lower than with a direct connection, so you shouldn’t choose a far-located country when you connect VPN.
Android users (unlike iOS) have the ability to configure VPN for separate programs, including Telegram (for example, through the VyprVPN).
Also, you can configure your own proxy for Telegram using Tor software. To do this, open Tor Browser and specify in the application settings “localhost” as the address for socks5-proxy (hostname) and “9150” as the port .
That’s all! Use every method that suits you and stay in touch with #MetaHash!
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