Have you ever thought how inventions such as Blockchain technology influence the world? What prospects are opened to humanity? Internet space is developing day by day, many business branches have completely switched to online. Unfortunately, that’s not so great as it can seem- modern Internet users have some serious problems: the threat of hacker attacks, mistrust to partners and other users of the network, low processing speed and artificially increased price of services. The #MetaHash team believes that the future is for widespread using of blockchain and decentralization providing together openness, reliability and invulnerability of information.
Today almost every user is limited to the capabilities of his personal gadget, such as memory, speed and so on. At the same time, a personal computer requires considerable investments, what is not always rational. However, using virtual servers and gaining access to the variety of operating systems, programs and applications, it will be easier to select the necessary data and spend resources only on that. Also, uninterrupted operation of the decentralized network overcomes the speed of single data centers due to load distribution among the nodes.
A distributed cloud network is practically invulnerable. It does not have a single physical location, so, it does not fall under the threat of natural disasters and hacker attacks. In addition, the channels protected cryptographically provide the highest level of confidentiality on cloud platforms. Users’ data is distributed among multiple network nodes instead of being stored on one or more servers.
What is important, a virtual network on the blockchain allows you to spend money resources, electricity, area and materials used to create computers rationally. In the decentralized market, prices are regulated directly by the demand of users, not imposed by monopoly corporations.
The world is changing rapidly and the concept of a personal computer, limited by its capabilities, is outdated. Thanks to the technologies offered by the #MetaHash project, the new principles of data cloud storage and decentralization, you will have no limits. Use all advantages of the blockchain network together with #MetaHash!