31st December is the right time to turn around for the outgoing year!
Core nodes were launched during the first quarter, so now all node roles are available for users. It means that #MetaHash has reached decentralization, which is one of the main project goals.
Other roles also got updates, without which new features such as voting couldn't be released. Besides, #MetaVote is available in #MetaGate and any coin holder can launch his own voting. Just a reminder, to propose a voting for an update, you should prepare a code.
Next features, like smart tokens or bridges, are still in our plans! Implementation of such tools takes more time because we are going to release them all together to make the ecosystem more efficient.
And meet the main partners of this year — TokenEcho and MeowSwap! Both partnerships are intended to help #Metahash integrate with DeFi and grow further.
Meanwhile, #MetaGate got many updates too. From the “delegate all” button to the latest novation as network issues notification.
But these steps weren’t possible without the community support! This is how Ambassadors (the most active members) appeared. They organized a few AMAs with Gleb Nikitin and made more people know about our project.
Moreover, thanks to Joseph (@jwmdev) now we all can use the MHConnect wallet both on Android and iOS.
Another enthusiast BO (@bo_metawall) introduced the browser extension for checking the #TraceChain blocks. We think it’s the right moment to thank him and add to the Ambassador list :)
Of course, we thank everyone for these 12 months! It wasn’t easy, but we are moving forward and working hard to develop the project.
Happy New Year, dears! See you all in the mid of January, when the first report of 2022 is ready!